Dalam beberapa literatur, cybercrime sering diidentikkan sebagai computer crime. The U.S. Department of Justice memberikan pengertian Computer Crime sebagai: "… any illegal act requiring knowledge of Computer technology for its perpetration, investigation, or prosecution". Pengertian lainnya diberikan oleh Organization of European Community Development, yaitu: "any illegal, unethical or unauthorized behavior relating to the automatic processing and/or the transmission of data". Andi Hamzah dalam bukunya “Aspek-aspek Pidana di Bidang Komputer” (1989) mengartikan cybercrime sebagai kejahatan di bidang komputer secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai penggunaan komputer secara ilegal. Sedangkan menurut Eoghan Casey “Cybercrime is used throughout this text to refer to any crime that involves computer and networks, including crimes that do not rely heavily on computer“.
Jenis-jenis Katagori CyberCrime
Eoghan Casey mengkategorikan cybercrime dalam 4 kategori yaitu:
A computer can be the object of Crime.
A computer can be a subject of crime.
The computer can be used as the tool for conducting or planning a crime.
The symbol of the computer itself can be used to intimidate or deceive.